篩選結果 共找出525

?Fill in the blanks.?

NFPIs are less likely to be …………………. than traditional profit-related measures and they should?therefore offer a means of counteracting ………………………….. .?

What are the three most important features of the balanced scorecard approach??

?EJET is an airline company that operates domestically and internationally using a fleet of 20?aircraft. Passengers book flights using the internet or by telephone and pay for their flights at the?time of booking using a debit or credit card.?

EJET currently measures its performance using financial ratios. The new Managing Director has?suggested that non-financial measures are equally important as financial measures and provide?further insights into company performance.?

Indicate the statements shown below that are valid:?

A Non-financial measures are less likely to be manipulated than traditional financial ratios.?

B Non-financial measures may discourage dysfunctional behaviour by airline staff.?

C Financial ratios do not need to be linked with non-financial measures.?

D Non-financial measures are a better indicator of future prospects than financial ratios which?focus on the short term.?

E Internal efficiency can be measured by the number of flight take-offs that are on time.?

F Non-financial performance measures do not need to be developed and refined over time as?they always remain relevant.?

G Customer satisfaction can be measured in terms of the number of failed attempts to make a?booking due to website crashes.?

?Division B of a company makes units which are then transferred to other divisions. The?division has no spare capacity. The following statements have been made regarding the?minimum transfer price that will encourage the divisional manager of B to transfer units to?other divisions:?

(1) Any price above variable cost will generate a positive contribution, and will therefore?be accepted.?

(2) The division will need to give up a unit sold externally in order to make a transfer;?this is only worthwhile if the income of a transfer is greater than the net income of an?external sale.?

Which of the above statement(s) is/are true??


?(1) only?


?(2) only?


?Neither (1) nor (2)?


?Both (1) and (2)?

'The use of residual income in performance measurement will avoid dysfunctional decision-making?because it will always lead to the correct decision concerning capital investments.'





To prevent dysfunctional transfer price decision-making, profit centres must be allowed to make?autonomous decisions. True or false??





Which of the following is not a disadvantage of using market value as a transfer price??


The market price might be a temporary one.?


Use of market price might act as a disincentive to use up spare capacity.?


Many products do not have an equivalent market price.?


The external market might be perfect.?

The following information relates to an investment centre, which is a separate product division in a?large company.?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?$?

Net current assets? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?60,000?

Non-current assets? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?240,000??

Profit before depreciation? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?50,000?

Depreciation? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?10,000?

The company's cost of capital is 10%. What is the most appropriate measure of the centre's Return?on Investment (ROI)??









SWAL has two divisions, SW and AL, which operate as profit centres and have full autonomy in?making, buying and selling decisions.??

SW manufactures SW+ at a cost of $12 per unit. The market price of SW+ is $16 per unit.?

AL uses SW+ in manufacturing its own product. The transfer price of SW+ when transferred from?Division SW to Division AL is set at full production cost plus 20%.?

Which one of the following independent circumstances represents dysfunctional behaviour?arising from SWAL's transfer pricing policy??


SW refuses to sell SW+ to AL as there is unlimited demand for SW+ in the external market.?


AL refuses to order from SW as it can buy SW+ from the open market at lower than current?transfer price. As a result, SW sells all its units on the open market.?


SW refuses to transfer below market price so AL is forced to buy from the external market.?


SW agrees to sell to AL but has to cancel the sale in order to fulfil an urgent customer order?who is willing to pay a higher price for immediate delivery.?

This question appeared in the June 2015 exam.?

A division is considering investing in capital equipment costing $2.7m. The useful economic life of?the equipment is expected to be 50 years, with no resale value at the end of the period. The?forecast return on the initial investment is 15% per annum before depreciation. The division's cost?of capital is 7%??

What is the expected annual residual income of the initial investment??







